You Should Meet My Friend
You Should Meet My Friend is the collaboration of two friends, Elisabeth and Missy who met over 20 years ago while living in Germany. Their vision is to put the spotlight on some of their extraordinary friends they have gathered over the years. Each episode will consist of a different guest doing extraordinary things to make the world a better place. Topics are wide ranging and nothing is off limits.
You Should Meet My Friend
Episode 3: You Should Meet My Friend Stella
Missy And Elisabeth
Season 1
Episode 3
Episode 3 – Stella Beyerly (recorded October 22, 2023) – Stella and Elisabeth met 24 years ago while assigned to the same base in Texas. Eleven years ago, Stella had a potentially life changing medical emergency. Her tenacity while recovering, which she would attribute to being a Buffalo girl, was awe inspiring. Stella volunteers with and supports Mt Carmel Veterans Service Center https://www.veteranscenter.org